As an educator, coach, father, and learner he finds ways to highlight good parenting and good leadership in his anecdotes. Raising five children made him a better educator, while coaching and teaching made him a better father. He has always loved the underdog, and his stories are often centered around those who have overcome difficult circumstances and overachieved.

His writing reflects his enthusiasm and belief that coaching and teaching is a tremendously exhilarating profession. He has always been motivated by the process of trying to bring out the best in young people and has dedicated his entire life to that end whether he was teaching junior high and high school English, or coaching College Basketball.

“When young people know you view them just as you do your own son or daughter, that is when you can catch lightning in a bottle and magic can occur.”

He believes that the student or student-athlete must truly know you care about them as a person, and that a big part of motivating is establishing a relationship built on honesty, trust, and authenticity. He has always welcomed and enjoyed individual differences and loves developing a relationship with each student while trying to see the world through their eyes.

His writing also challenges the current views on corrective and constructive criticism, which are the fabric of the educational process. He believes the biggest challenge facing educators today is to allow for individual differences, yet not compromise the core values, structure, and discipline of the group setting whether it is in the classroom or on the court.



one coach’s view from the bench…

Countless lessons and memories

The Road More Traveled by Brian Katz

What People Are Saying

“I loved ‘The Road More Traveled’ not because it’s a book about coaching, or a college basketball book, but because it’s a book about life. We can all take lessons from it. Not surprisingly, Katz strikes the perfect chord.”

— Jack Murphy

Associate Head Coach, University of Arizona

“This is a book to inspire. One does not need to be a coach, athlete, or even a sports fan to appreciate this very readable account. I recommend it for aspiring educators to see how a coach can make a difference.”

— Diane Oren

Former English Professor, San Joaquin Delta College

“This book is a must-read if you have ever wondered what it’s like to be a coach. The challenges of recruiting, the highs and lows of the season, the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat, and in the end, looking back on the relationships and many success stories along the way.”

— Terry Battenberg

Former College and High School Basketball Coach, Author, and International Clinician